Salt of the Scorpok - Quêtes

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Salt of the Scorpok

Bring three Scorpok Pincers, two Vulture Gizzards, and one Blasted Boar Lung to Bloodmage Drazial.


You live! This is good news, indeed. I assume you are back for more of the scorpok assay?

Very well, <name>, back to the wasteland with you and do not return until you have collected three scorpok pincers, two vulture gizzards, and one blasted boar lung.


Fine work, <name>. Here is one sample of the assay for you and the remaining nine will be used in my research.

Anytime you require more of the ground scorpok assay, return to me and we shall work out a deal.
The entirety of this quest happens at Blasted Lands

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