Bride of the Embalmer - Quêtes

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Bride of the Embalmer

Find Eliza's grave. Retrieve the Embalmer's Heart from her, then return to Ello Ebonlocke.


The Embalmer is a name told in one of our children's stories. He was a kindly alchemist, driven mad by the death of his wife, Eliza. To restore her, he used dark magic to place his own heart within the bosom of his dead spouse.

This revived Eliza...but it cursed her with a hunger for human flesh, forcing the Embalmer to keep her buried.

His heart is his power. Find his wife's grave, retrieve his heart, and bring it to me while it still beats. Do this and his power will be broken.


You've done it! The magic within his heart will be proof against the Embalmer's evil, and a powerful aegis over the town of Darkshire.

You have done a great thing for our people, <name>. Your name will remain in our annals forever.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Duskwood

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