Echoes of Tortured Souls - Quêtes

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Echoes of Tortured Souls

Kill Bronjahm and the Devourer of Souls to secure access to the Pit of Saron.
Bronjahm killed


I cannot thank you enough for coming. We're severely undermanned to be risking a venture into the citadel, but opportunities like this are too rare to pass up.

I'm awaiting the arrival of champions from the coliseum, but if your reputation holds true, you should be more than equipped to fight through the forge yourself. Clear the way to the far side and secure the passage to the Pit of Saron. We will need to hold it to move our men further into the citadel.

Please hurry, <name>. We're counting on you.


Just in time! Thank you, <name>.

The Pit of Saron lies ahead, and if our scouts are correct, past that will be the Halls of Reflection. It is there that Arthas lets his guard down, and it is there that we hope to find a clue to his weakness... or maybe, just maybe, his redemption.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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