Tempering The Blade - Quêtes

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Tempering The Blade

Temper the Reforged Quel'Delar in the Crucible of Souls.


At last, the pieces of Quel'Delar are rejoined and the blade is whole, but it cannot see battle until you have tempered it. That jagged saronite edge is brittle and will shatter the moment it strikes anything.

Deep in Icecrown Citadel's Forge of Souls is a place where the blade can safely be tempered. Take Quel'Delar with you to the abode of the Devourer of Souls and look for the crucible. Plunge the blade into the crucible to temper it and bring it back to me in The Frozen Halls.


I... I don't understand. Tempering the sword should've restored the blade to its original condition. What has happened here?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 220500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at The Storm Peaks

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