Return To Caladis Brightspear - Quêtes

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Return To Caladis Brightspear

Bring Ancient Dragonforged Blades to Caladis Brightspear at Quel'Delar's Rest.


We must get this book to Caladis Brightspear immediately. Would you bring it to him? I cannot rely on anyone else to transport the book and you have proven adept at keeping the Sunreavers at bay.

Take it with you to Quel'Delar's rest, south of the Argent Tournament Grounds in Icecrown. Caladis and the sword will be waiting. The sooner we can identify the blade, the sooner we can claim it.


I knew the symbols on the blade were familiar. The weapon was most certainly forged by the dragons and gifted to one of the mortal races, but which blade is this, and how did it come to rest in Icecrown?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 110500 experience.
This quest starts at Dalaran and ends at The Storm Peaks

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