Shadumbra's Head - Quêtes

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Shadumbra's Head

Bring Shadumbra's Head to Senani Thunderheart at Splintertree Post, Ashenvale.


The once swift Shadumbra now lies still as you claim victory over it. The head of the slain nightsaber is a fitting trophy for this fight of the Ashenvale Hunt. Senani Thunderheart at Splintertree Post will want to see such a trophy to award you credit for this part of the Ashenvale Hunt.


A victory for <name> in the Ashenvale Hunt! Well done - the head of Shadumbra is a fitting trophy to claim for such an impressive fight, no doubt.

Shadumbra's savagery was well known throughout the post here. Any trip to the west, especially on foot trying to get out to the Zoram Strand, was wrought with danger because of this tiger. Thanks to you, this danger has abated.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest ends at Ashenvale

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