Mor'Ladim - Quêtes

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Kill Mor'Ladim, then return his skull to Commander Althea Ebonlocke in Darkshire.


From what my scouts tell me, Mor'Ladim wanders throughout Duskwood, following a strange and meandering path through the cemetery. We buried him out past the house on the hill, you know where that is?

There isn't anything I can do to help you, but I wish you good luck.


You killed him? That's no small accomplishment, <name>! On behalf of the people of Darkshire and the Night Watch, I thank you.

Ah... there is one small matter, however...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2050 experience.
  • 150 reputation with Stormwind
The entirety of this quest happens at Duskwood

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