Rokar Bladeshadow - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 16
  • Required Level: 2
  • Difficulté : 2 12 14 19 23
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Classe: Rogue


Rokar Bladeshadow

Speak with Rokar Bladeshadow in Durotar.


Too much idle time for you, <name>. It's time that you learned more of our trade. Just last night, five of our number were found dead in one of the cracks in Orgrimmar, with few leads. There are those that oppose us, using our own methods against us.

So it is I've decided you should learn the art of lockpicking.

Unfortunately, it is a skill that my hands are not well suited to. You should seek out Rokar, who lives in the hills near Durotar. Even in his old age, I suspect he still has the touch for it.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 300 experience.

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