Gathering Materials - Quêtes

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Finish this quest will unlock

Gathering Materials

Bring 10 Linen Cloth and 6 Dalaran Mana Gems to Josef Gregorian.


It is time for you to don your first mage's robes, <name>. They are a sign of your station, and a testament to your worth.

To gain the robes, you must gather the mana gems from the Dalaran mages of Silverpine. Their beliefs are similar to ours and so killing them is somewhat distasteful, but if they lack the strength to resist us, then they do not deserve their lives.

Bring the gems and a supply of linen to Josef Gregorian at the Magic Quarter's tailor shop.


This is very good material, and although I lack the talent to gauge the quality of these mana gems, we'll soon know if they possess the power needed to create spellfire robes...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 800 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Undercity

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