Heartswood - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 20
  • Required Level: 20
  • Difficulté : 20 23 27
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Start: Takar the Seer
  • End: Gakin the Darkbinder
  • Races: Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome
  • Classe: Warlock



Retrieve the Heartswood from Ashenvale and bring it to Gakin the Darkbinder in the Mage Quarter of Stormwind.


In preparation for your coming, I used my sight to look over the world and through the mists of time. I have found what it is you seek.

In the War of the Ancients, two lovers fell together in battle. Where they took their last breaths, a tree known as the heartswood grew, a symbol of their undying love.

That should be enough to tempt a succubus. You will find it in the ruins of Ordil'Aran in the northwestern part of the forest of Ashenvale.


Yes, I can tell this will do nicely, let me just work with it for a moment...

Takar is a resourceful fellow to have around, isn't he? If only I could persuade him to move back to civilization.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1550 experience.
This quest starts at The Barrens and ends at Stormwind City

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