The Islander - Quêtes

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The Islander

Speak with Klannoc Macleod.


Your renown as a warrior grows, <name>. Now it is time to pit yourself against your peers and see where you stand.

There is an island off the coast of the Barrens, south of Ratchet. It is called Fray Island and it is a place where warriors meet.

Meet, and fight.

Speak with the chief warrior of Fray Island, Klannoc Macleod. If he finds you worthy, then Klannoc will lead you further down the warrior's path.

To reach Fray Island, search for the sand bar shallows along the Merchant Coast.


Hello, <name>. It's good to see you made it to Fray Island. I hope you find it to your liking...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 600 experience.
This quest starts at Mulgore and ends at The Barrens

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