Klockmort Spannerspan - Quêtes

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Klockmort Spannerspan

Bring Furen's Notes to Klockmort Spannerspan.


I made a copy of my notes on the techniques I learned while making your armor, and need someone to take them to Klockmort Spannerspan. He's a gnomish blacksmith in Ironforge and when he learns what I've learned... I bet he'll pull off his own beard in excitement.


Oh my! These notes are amazing! And what's more... they're incredible and they're stupendous and they make my knees go all a-wobbly!

Furen had a breakthrough! A real breakthrough! I can't wait to try out his new technique!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 575 experience.
This quest starts at Stormwind City and ends at Ironforge

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