More Wastewander Justice - Quêtes

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More Wastewander Justice

Take down 10 Wastewander Shadow Mages, 8 Wastewander Rogues, and 6 Wastewander Assassins for Chief Engineer Bilgewhizzle in Gadgetzan.


We need you to take on the stronger ranks of the Wastewander nomads now. You've done a good job thus far, but if we are to take back those water wells, then it only makes sense to do it against as few nomads as possible!

This time around we need you to take down their rogues, assassins, and shadow mages. You'll find them east and southeast of here.

I'm not going to lie to you - they're a nasty lot. Do this for us though, and we'll be on our way to taking back what is rightfully ours!


Top notch work, <name>... top notch! You've thinned down the nomad population to a point where we can actually take the fight to them!

If you haven't already, talk to Spigot Operator Luglunket here; he gives a bounty on any of the Wastewander water pouches you may have run across while bringing those nomads to justice!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 3750 experience.
  • 250 reputation with Gadgetzan
The entirety of this quest happens at Tanaris

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