The Tome of Nobility - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 40
  • Required Level: 40
  • Difficulté : 40 43 47
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Races: Human, Dwarf
  • Classe: Paladin

The Tome of Nobility

Speak to Duthorian Rall in Stormwind.


I greet you once again, <name>. I am more proud to call you $g brother:sister; than ever before--your dedication is a tribute to us all.

The time has come for me to bestow a great gift upon you. But know this, for now I give you this freely, but later, when time permits, this will be a much greater challenge to all paladins who choose to undertake my quest.

Speak to me again and I shall grant you a great boon.

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