Crashing the Wickerman Festival (PvP) - Quêtes

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Crashing the Wickerman Festival (PvP)

Locate the Forsaken's Wickerman Festival in Tirisfal Glade. Return to Sergeant Hartman in Southshore once you've done so.


I need brave individuals to head up to Tirisfal Glade and check out the Wickerman Festival. I'm not going to lie - heading up there will be dangerous. The guards at the festival will be exceptionally vicious. Still, we need to know how big the festival is this year, and how much trouble the Forsaken are going to cause us during Hallow's End.

If you're up for it, head to Tirisfal and scout out the festival. Return to me with the information, and I'll make sure you're well compensated.


Well done, <name>. The Wickerman Festival will continue to be trouble so long as the abominable Forsaken are allowed to haunt the remnants of Lordaeron. It is NOT a fitting tribute to that once proud kingdom, let me tell you...

Here's some coin for any repairs you might need, and in the spirit of the season I've also included some treats you might like. Happy Hallow's End - let's keep it as safe as possible here in Southshore.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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