The Tome of Divinity - Quêtes

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The Tome of Divinity

Bring 10 Linen Cloth to Stephanie Turner in Stormwind.


Bless their hearts, most of them have no families because of the Scourge attacks in the last decade.

My husband John collects the materials for me to make the shirts and pants for the children, but I haven't even had time to do that. I've been too focused on keeping food on their plates, and a roof over their heads.

What's that? You'd be willing to help? Oh, thank the Light, and thank you, <name>.

If you could bring me some linen cloth so I can sew clothes for the kids, that would help me out so much.


Thank you, <name>, thank you so much!

The children will be so pleased, and you've saved me so much time. I'll now be able to focus on the children's other needs, and hopefully my John will be able to return home sooner than we thought.

Thank you again, <name>. I knew I could rely on the charity of others. The Light be with you.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 900 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Stormwind City

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