A Dark Threat Looms - Quêtes

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A Dark Threat Looms

Chief Engineer Hinderweir wants you to take the strange smelling powder to Ashlan Stonesmirk, the explosives expert in Dun Modr.


If my suspicions are correct, this is some type of explosive powder. This must be analyzed by an explosives expert so we know just what we're dealing with here. Ashlan Stonesmirk was assigned to the regiment guarding Dun Modr and the Thandol Span. I need you to make a grave and perilous journey, <name>.

Travel through the Algaz Gate, follow the road through the Wetlands and seek out Stonesmirk in Dun Modr. Heed my advice: stick to the roads and stop for nothing!


Ah, well Ol' Hinderweir is wise to be worried.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1350 experience.
  • 250 reputation with Ironforge
This quest starts at Loch Modan and ends at Wetlands

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