The Binding - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 11
  • Required Level: 10
  • Difficulté : 10 14 17
  • Faction: Horde
  • Start: Gan'rul Bloodeye
  • End: Gan'rul Bloodeye
  • Races: Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll
  • Classe: Warlock


The Binding

Using the Glyphs of Summoning, summon and subdue a voidwalker, then return the Glyphs of Summoning to Gan'rul Bloodeye in Orgrimmar.


Now, observe the Tablet of Verga, for it contains the glyphs you will need for the summoning. Take them to the circle in Neeru Fireblade's tent on the other side of the cavern. There you will be able to call for the voidwalker.

You must defeat it using whatever physical and magical means you have at your disposal. When this is completed, return to me with the glyphs of summoning and I will demonstrate how you may bind the creature to your will.


You have done well, <name>. I will show you how to summon the voidwalker similar to the one you just defeated.

You should know that we have high expectations for you, and you have, so far, matched them.

Do not let it go to your head, however, as the tasks that still lie before you will make this seem as simple as waking in the morning.


You will learn:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 650 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Orgrimmar

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