Reagents for Reclaimers Inc. - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 33
  • Required Level: 30
  • Difficulté : 30 31 36 39
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Start: Kreldig Ungor
  • End: Kreldig Ungor
  • Races: Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome


Required, completed

Reagents for Reclaimers Inc.

Bring 10 Hatefury Claws, and 10 Hatefury Horns to Kreldig Ungor in Desolace.


One of my tasks out here involves picking up some reagents for Leftwitch, a gnome mage in Kharanos . Roetten seems to think it's easy coin in the bank since we're out here already. He doesn't really care that we're short-handed as is.

The first few items on his list should be easy enough to get, and it'd be a good chunk of coin for anyone helping me out.

I need some horns and claws from the Hatefury satyr to the east of here. Bring 'em back to me and we'll get started on the rest of the list.


Good good, <name>. Not sure if these are of any good quality, but if Leftwitch wanted a specific type, he should have specified before sending the Reclaimers out here to begin with.

What say you to getting on with the next item on his list?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2650 experience.
  • 250 reputation with Ironforge
The entirety of this quest happens at Stonetalon Mountains

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