Rhapsody Shindigger - Quêtes

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Rhapsody Shindigger

Seek out Rhapsody Shindigger in The Hinterlands.


Rhapsody took quite a liking to the booze. Now don't get me wrong -- all of us dwarves up here at the aviary love a good ale when the time is right.

But ol' Shindigger took to the liquor like a gryphon takes to the skies. And a damned shame it was, too. No one could fly like Rhapsody.

First sign of trouble was when he came stumbling back from that mission with your buddy, Brohann. All went down hill quickly after that. Had to let him go.

Last I heard, he's set up a brew camp to the east of here...



I'm a-lookin' right at you but you keep bobbing up and down. Makin' me dizzy. Hoho!


Whoa! Did ya feel that? Ground is a-shakin', my friend. I need a drink.

Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1800 experience.
This quest starts at Hillsbrad Foothills and ends at The Hinterlands

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