A Cautious Return - Quêtes

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A Cautious Return

Bring Daros' Journal to Mordent Evenshade in Darnassus.


A moment of your time, <class>.

Change is coming. It has drawn us out of the ruins of Eldre'Thalas and into the wide world once more. I have come to research this city and cannot stray from it, but if you are inclined, I have an errand for you.

My colleague set out for Darnassus to speak with the High Priestess there, that we might come to an understanding. Take this journal to Mordent Evenshade in the temple. It may help in his diplomacy mission.


Ah, the writings of Daros. He always was meticulous about tracking progress. His words may aid in explaining how far we've come.

You have my thanks for bringing this to me, <race>. Perhaps we will see more of each other once it is understood we mean no harm.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 51500 experience.

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