Messenger to Westfall - Quêtes

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Messenger to Westfall

Return to Magistrate Solomon with Gryan Stoutmantle's response.


Magistrate Solomon's note pains me to read. But it is obvious he knows not the war which is waged in Westfall or else he would know better than to expect aid from the Militia. If Stormwind had not deserted us as well, we would not have the need for the Militia.

Take this response to your master in Redridge, <class>. And let him know that my heart is heavy with the loss of good men.


I do say, this is not good at all. I did not realize that Stoutmantle's situation was not unlike ours here in Lakeshire. What action is so important that it calls the Stormwind Army away from its people? Bah, I should not ponder aloud.

Here, messenger. Accept these coins in exchange for your service to the Township. I might call upon you again.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 250 experience.
  • 25 reputation with Stormwind
This quest starts at Westfall and ends at Redridge Mountains

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