The Burning of Spirits - Quêtes

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Finish this quest will unlock

The Burning of Spirits

Return the Burning Gem and 15 Infused Burning Gems to Maurin Bonesplitter in Desolace.


Death is most desirable for those despicable creatures that turn their back on their liege for such selfish reasons. But death is not enough when dealing with those that have given themselves over to the darkness.

Take this gem. When one of the Burning Blade's near death, activate its magic. The spell shall pull the corrupted spirit out of its victim, leaving an infused gem behind.

Bring me these infused gems so I may dispose of them properly.

Go now, and may you elude death.


Ah, you've returned successful. That is good. Give me the gems and I shall put them someplace safe....

My tasks for you are complete, <class>. Speak to Takata when you are rested. He may have other tasks for you, or perhaps needs you to return to Orgrimmar to inform Keldran of our progress here in Desolace.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2650 experience.
  • 250 reputation with Undercity
The entirety of this quest happens at Desolace

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