The Atal'ai Exile - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 44
  • Required Level: 38
  • Difficulté : 38 40 42 47 51
  • Faction: Horde
  • Start: Fel'zerul
  • End: Atal'ai Exile
  • Races: Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll


The Atal'ai Exile

Bring the Bundle of Atal'ai Artifacts to the Atal'ai Exile in the Hinterlands.


While you were braving the dangers of the Pool of Tears, one of my scouts returned with a scroll written in blood on dried flesh. It seems to be a judicial sentence against a priest of the Atal'ai tribe.

This priest was sentenced to a fate worse than death amongst the Atal'ai.

He was exiled to live far north in the Hinterlands, with the Witherbark trolls.

I will bundle these artifacts. You are to seek out the exile and discover their true use. Return to me once your journey is complete.


You bring me the summoning artifacts of the Atail'ai?

I see Jammal'an the Prophet is leading the disciples of the Chamber of Blood towards their chosen fate. Has Hakkar returned to the Temple I wonder? Has their fate been met?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 3750 experience.
This quest starts at Swamp of Sorrows and ends at The Hinterlands

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