The Grateful Dead - Quêtes

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  • Required Level: 1
  • Difficulté : 1 2 5
  • Faction: Alliance

The Grateful Dead

Acquire some Bread of the Dead and give it to the Cheerful Troll Spirit in Orgrimmar's graveyard.

Use an Orange Marigold to see the otherwise invisible spirit.


It's good to visit with friends and family again, though I may have overdone it... I've already eaten everything they made for me!

Might I trouble you for some more of that delicious Bread of the Dead? I'd be most grateful...

Chapman there sells the recipe, I think.


Ah, more delicious Bread of the Dead, thank you!

Please, take this in return... a little something fun for the holiday.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1700 experience.

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