Galen's Escape - Quêtes

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Galen's Escape

Escort Galen out of danger, then find his camp in the Swamp of Sorrows and open his strongbox.


Please help! These creatures are going to eat me!

Help me out of here, and I'll give you a great treasure! It's in my camp in the swamp north of Stonard, but it's locked in a strongbox that can be opened through a trick that only I know.

If you help me escape, then I'll teach it to you.


The keyhole of this strongbox is filled with black resin. It is impossible to open.

But Galen told you of a hidden latch on the box's bottom...

...After a quick search the latch is found. The latch is flipped, and the strongbox opens...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2850 experience.
This quest starts at Swamp of Sorrows

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