Searing Roc Feathers - Quêtes

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Searing Roc Feathers

Your Venomhide Hatchling wants you to get 5 pieces of Searing Roc Plumage.


The hatchling looks at you for a moment, almost as if wondering whether you'll understand. It scrawls a picture of a pair of feathers in the dirt, then points with one claw to the bindings at its elbows and knees.

It doesn't seem hungry, but what could the feathers be for?

It must want them for adornments like the ones you've seen on other raptors. The largest feathers come from the searing rocs that congregate around the bones of large creatures in western Tanaris, northeast of Thistleshrub Valley.


The venomhide hatchling accepts the feathers and begins looking them over, holding several up to its armbands.

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