Nothing But The Truth - Quêtes

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Finish this quest will unlock

Nothing But The Truth

Apothecary Faustin at Beggar's Haunt needs 5 Shadow Panther Hearts, Mire Lord Fungus and a Deep Strider Tumor.


I have just the right serum in mind. It will deal with the truth in precisely the way the truth should be dealt with.

For this concoction I will need several Shadow Panther hearts from the Swamp. I also require the enchanted fungus off of the Mire Lord who resides there. I am sure one as able as you, <name>, can persuade him to part with some.

Now the hard part will be locating a Deepstrider tumor from far-off Desolace. Very rarely the giants there become ill and a tumor forms.

Now, off you go!


Splendid, <name>! And just in time too. From what Zraedus tells me, the Infiltrator has recovered from his wounds and is ready to be questioned by the orcs.

Give me but a moment to prepare the pois - I mean prepare the truth serum.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4300 experience.
  • 350 reputation with Undercity
The entirety of this quest happens at Duskwood

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