Among the Champions - Quêtes

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Among the Champions

Bring 4 Marks of the Champion to Illyrie Nightfall at the Argent Tournament Grounds.

If you lose your lance, you can get another from any of the Lance Racks near the stables or in the Sunreaver Pavilion.


As a champion, you have mastered the art of mounted combat, overcoming challengers of all levels. You must make certain that you can defeat anyone you face when the tournament begins.

You should continue honing your own skills and learning more about the weaknesses of your opponents. Champions representing all cities practice in the Ring of Champions near the stables. Go to the stables, equip your lance, pick any mount you can ride, then face the champions in practice bouts.


You handle your mount well, <name>. In time, your competitors will learn to fear you.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Icecrown

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