A Valiant's Field Training - Quêtes

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A Valiant's Field Training

Illestria Bladesinger at the Argent Tournament Grounds wants you to kill 10 Converted Heroes.
Converted Hero (10) killed


The tournament is a time for testing your skills against your peers, but we must not forget that the real enemy, the Scourge, will not wait. As you hone your skills against others, so should you maintain your edge in combat against the enemy.

Travel to the area southwest of the Valley of Fallen Heroes and north of Corp'rethar. There, the Scourge raises dead heroes and turns them against us. Defeat these minions of the Scourge, do honor to our allies, and keep yourself prepared for combat.


Welcome back from your exercises, <name>. Even while we practice for the competition, it's good to remind ourselves that the Scourge is still out there.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Icecrown

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