Ongeku - Quêtes

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Maintain your reputation with the Gelkis, and bring a Draenethyst Shard to Uthek the Wise in the Gelkis Village in Desolace.


You have more to prove, and your next task will take you far, so for now the Gelkis will fight the Magram without you.

The earth whispers many secrets to those who listen. One secret I hear is of a red crystal. It is called draenethyst, and it is new to our earth. It comes from a place where mountains fly, and where demons rule.

Bring me a shard of draenethyst, and it will make my magic strong! The shard is in a place called the Swamp of Sorrows, held by the lost one Ongeku.


Yes, this is the shard of which the earth whispered. I can feel strong magic in it! I will use this magic against the enemies of the Gelkis.

You have done one more task for us, <name>. Maybe soon, we will call you friend.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2850 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Desolace

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