Nothing But The Truth - Quêtes

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Nothing But The Truth

Speak with Apothecary Faustin at Beggar's Haunt.


Our expeditionary force was sent at Varimathras's behest to survey lower Azeroth.

While out scouting I noticed a human Infiltrator spying on Beggar's Haunt. Before I could apprehend him, some of our orcish... brethren... captured him and took him to Stonard, their stronghold in Swamp of Sorrows.

I want to... help... our orcish allies. They did not see our camp here but nonetheless I want to lend a hand.

Work with Faustin here to develop a... truth serum for our friend in Stonard.


Zraedus was just telling me about the nosey little Infiltrator before you arrived.

Quite a problem, indeed. The last thing we need is a busybody sniffing around Beggar's Haunt.

I am sure the orcs of Stonard would be quite anxious to hear what our friend has to say. Seeing that they are our allies, ahem, we must help them to get any information they can from the human.

Work with me, <name>, and we will deliver a truth serum to Stonard.

For the Horde!

...did I get that right?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 350 experience.
  • 25 reputation with Undercity
The entirety of this quest happens at Duskwood

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