A Valiant Of Undercity - Quêtes

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A Valiant Of Undercity

Speak with Deathstalker Visceri at the Argent Tournament Grounds to become a valiant of the Undercity.


You've proven yourself worthy of competing under the banner of the Undercity, <name>. Now, you should speak with Deathstalker Visceri, who leads the Undercity delegation. As grand champion, he will enter you into the tournament on behalf of the city and oversee your training and testing as valiant.

It has been an honor working with you, <name>, and I wish you luck in the competition ahead.


Welcome to the Undercity delegation. <name>. As a valiant, you'll train with us to prepare you for the highest level of competition.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at The Storm Peaks

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