The Aspirant's Challenge - Quêtes

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Finish this quest will unlock

The Aspirant's Challenge

Speak with Squire David to summon your opponent. Once you have defeated the Argent Valiant, return to Magister Edien Sunhollow at the Argent Tournament Grounds.


You have trained hard as an aspirant, <name>, and now the time has come to test your mounted combat skills against an experienced opponent.

Equip your lance, then go to the stables outside the pavilion and mount the Sunreaver hawkstrider.

At the Aspirants' Ring on the northern side of the tournament grounds, you'll find a human child called Squire David. He'll ask if you're ready for the fight and call out your opponent.

Good luck, <name>. May your mount be steady and your aim true.


Congratulations are in order, <name>. You have bested your challenger and earned the right to advance to the rank of valiant.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at The Storm Peaks

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