The Argent Tournament - Quêtes

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The Argent Tournament

Speak with Magister Edien Sunhollow at the Argent Tournament grounds to enroll in the tournament.


We have invited you here to test your skill and valor against others who have bravely opposed the Scourge. Many have been our divisions, but the time has come for heroes fighting under all banners to test their blades against one another in preparation for facing our mutual enemy.

Magister Edien Sunhollow is the Sunreaver representative to the tournament and he'll enter your name into the rolls and begin your training. Seek him out inside the large Horde tent in the southeastern part of the grounds.


I have entered your name in the rolls, <name>. As an aspirant you will train with others who wish to compete in the tournament and hone your mounted combat skills. Once you have proven yourself, you will be allowed to enter the lowest rank of competition on behalf of your capital city.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Icecrown and ends at The Storm Peaks

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