Jack Me Some Lumber - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 80
  • Required Level: 77
  • Difficulté : 77 78 83 86
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Lumberjack's Axe

Jack Me Some Lumber

Bring 12 Rough Hewn Planks to Bezzle Blastbolt at the Argent Tournament Grounds.


Come closer. No, not too close. Don't want any unnecessary suspicion now, do we?

This coliseum requires more lumber than we've stockpiled and there's no way I'm going to pay to have it shipped in from Grizzly Hills. At the western end of Crystalsong Forest, by the Great Tree, grow a number of young Crystalsong oaks. They'd provide just the kind of planking we need for building and scaffolding. Take this axe, use it to fell the trees and then hew them into planks, but don't let anyone see you!


All excellent planks, and the price is right, too! Even better, those Argent Crusade sticks-in-the-mud will never know. They'll get their precious coliseum and I'll get my early completion bonus. Now that's a win-win if I ever saw one.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 220500 experience.

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