Preparations for War - Quêtes

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Preparations for War

Speak to Officer Van Rossem to secure passage to the Skybreaker in Icecrown, and then report to High Captain Justin Bartlett.


You there!

You look like you have some wits about you. We could use some more able bodies in Icecrown.

You may have heard rumors of our failure in assaulting the glacier from the ground, but let me set those concerns to rest. We're now mounting our assault from one of the most advanced pieces of engineering known to Azeroth, the Skybreaker. The Horde don't stand a chance, and neither does Arthas.

Speak to me when you're ready to depart.


Welcome to the Skybreaker.

From here we are laying our groundwork for the assault on Arthas. There's a lot of work to be done, but before we can get into the real meat of it, we want to make sure that the Argent Crusade is adequately reinforced - we're going to need their help later.

If you have not already, speak to Absalan the Pious on the main deck.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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