Killohertz - Quêtes

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Chief Engineer Boltwrench wants you to find Kibli Killohertz at the hidden Alliance airport above Aldur'thar, the Desolation Gate.


The goblins got lucky and found a new energy. They call it infra-green, and I'll be a one-eyed ogre if those psychos didn't strike green gold.

Go find Kibli Killohertz. He's leading the reverse engineering efforts of infra-green, at a small, hidden Alliance airport above Aldur'thar, the Desolation Gate. I'll give you infra-green vision to help you find it. Go to the dome with our Alliance banners -- if you fly near the Horde airport then you'll be in a load of green trouble.


Yes, yes, yes! A thousand times, hello!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 22000 experience.
This quest ends at Icecrown

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