Putting the Hertz: The Valley of Lost Hope - Quêtes

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Putting the Hertz: The Valley of Lost Hope

Kibli Killohertz wants you to kill 50 Bombardment Infantry, 20 Gargoyle Ambushers, 12 Frostbrood Sentries and 12 Scourge War Machines.
Bombardment Infantry (50) killed
Gargoyle Ambusher (20) killed
Scourge War Machine (12) killed
Frostbrood Sentry (12) killed


The fight goes on! Your new orders arrived for a long-range bombing mission through the Bombardment and into the Valley of Lost Hope -- when you're ready, ask Karen for a bomber and pour those bombs and rockets onto the Scourge!


Welcome back, <name>. How was the battle? Exciting? Take a rest for now. But come back when you have fresh orders.

For the Alliance!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 275500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Icecrown

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