Green Technology - Quêtes

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Green Technology

Speak with Fringe Engineer Tezzla.


Tezzla is the one you want to meet, yes she is... she mastered a new wavelength, infra-green, and used it to hide herself near the Scourge! Near enough to bomb them!

I'll give you infra-green vision so you can find her hiding above Aldur'thar, the Desolation Gate. Go, go... I know she has work for brave heroes eager to blow up! I mean... eager to blow up the Scourge!

And <name>, the Alliance has stolen our technology and has their own hidden airport nearby. Avoid the dome with the Alliance banners!


Yes, yes! You found me! And just in time!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 22000 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Icecrown

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