Fringe Science Benefits - Quêtes

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Fringe Science Benefits

Fringe Engineer Tezzla wants you to kill 40 Bombardment Infantry, 8 Bombardment Captains and 15 Gargoyle Ambushers.
Bombardment Infantry (40) killed
Bombardment Captain (8) killed
Gargoyle Ambusher (15) killed


I installed our infra-green technology into commandeered bombers; it'll protect you on your first mission into enemy territory! Speak with Rizzy Ratchwiggle to get a bomber, then fly into The Bombardment!

You'll have bombs and rockets and shields. Keep the shields charged and use bombs on the ground Scourge at The Bombardment. Come back after you hit your targets, and more work will await you.


Hah, you got them! How did you like the bomber? I hope you got the hang of it, because I have more missions for you...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 220500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Icecrown

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