The Key to the Focusing Iris - Quêtes

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The Key to the Focusing Iris

Deliver the Key to the Focusing Iris to Alexstrasza the Life-Binder atop Wyrmrest Temple in the Dragonblight.


A potent thrumming of magical nature can be heard and felt emanating from the eye-shaped jewel dropped from Sapphiron's clutches. To mortal ears it is nearly painful to be in the presence of the stone.

Surely such a powerful item of import can only be taken to the queen of the dragons, Alexstrasza the Life-Binder. Seek her counsel atop Wyrmrest Temple in the Dragonblight.


These keys are held by the most ancient members of the blue dragonflight. Only they are entrusted with them by their master, Malygos.

This is the break that we've been waiting for to strike at the Aspect of Magic!

You are not be able to use the key as-is to access the Focusing Iris, but I can imbue you with a portion of my power; enough to enable you to use it to open the iris a fraction.

It will be enough to draw Malygos's ire!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest ends at Dragonblight

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