Not a Bug - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 80
  • Required Level: 77
  • Difficulté : 77 78 83 86
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Start: Thassarian
  • End: Thassarian

Not a Bug

Thassarian, aboard the Skybreaker, wants you to collect 5 Dark Matters and summon a Dark Messenger at Aldur'thar.


Alright, $g friend:missy;, time to plant a bug.

Relax, it's not a bug exactly, but it'll serve our purposes.

In the northern portion of Aldur'thar the cult's void summoners enslave demonic minions. Use this rod to siphon the dark matter from the corpses of these enslaved minions, and then use their summoning crystal to bring our little spy into being.

Until it is discovered, the messenger will serve as our eyes and ears, discreetly observing the actions of our enemy.


You have done well, <class>.

The messenger has already turned up some valuable information.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 220500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Icecrown

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