Capture More Dispatches - Quêtes

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Capture More Dispatches

Capture 6 Orgrim's Hammer Dispatches from Orgrim's Hammer Scouts and bring them to High Captain Justin Bartlett aboard the Skybreaker.


Despite our efforts, the Horde continues to send scouts to the area of the Icecrown Glacier, to the west of the Ironwall Rampart and Aldur'thar.

We can't afford to let the Horde gain the upper hand with this scouting operation. Take the dart gun with you again and show the Orgrim's Hammer scouts no mercy! Bring the captured dispatches to me.

The Horde's wasted efforts will be our gain.


This is just what we need. Not even the Horde is so stupid as to charge in blindly against the Scourge. With their reports in hand, we'll be well prepared.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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