Your Attention, Please - Quêtes

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Your Attention, Please

High Captain Bartlett wants you to speak with Chief Engineer Boltwrench in the Skybreaker.


Chief Engineer Boltwrench has proven invaluable in his service aboard the Stormbreaker. Were it not for his ingenuity, we'd be sprinkled across half of the glacier several times over by now.

The thing is, he feels he must share his every miniscule invention or discovery - most of which I don't even understand.

My focus must be squarely on our enemies right now. I cannot afford any distractions.

Please visit him in my stead, <name>. And if you can, assist him. You'll find him belowdecks.


Cappy sent you in his place, did he?

Very well, <class>. Roll up those sleeves... time to get to work!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 22000 experience.

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