Herald of War - Quêtes

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Herald of War

Report to Thrall at Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar.


The Warchief needs you, champion. Orgrimmar is in a state of martial law. All merchants and services have been shut down as the Warchief prepares for an unavoidable conflict.

I cannot tell you much more - not now. Not in this place.

The Warchief commands that our strongest champions report to his throne room. Go now, <name>! Take the portal back to Orgrimmar and seek out Thrall.


The demon lord, Varimathras, and the Forsaken's chief apothecary, Putress, are responsible for this betrayal.

Yes, the same Putress responsible for discovering the cure for the recent Scourge plague outbreak.

Those that would not side with their regime have been executed or banished. Sylvanas was nearly killed in the coup.

The Horde has lost the Undercity. Orgrimmar will take on the Forsaken refugees until there is a resolution to this crisis. For now we are under martial law.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Borean Tundra

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