The Flesh Giant Champion - Quêtes

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The Flesh Giant Champion

Speak with Margrave Dhakar at the western end of the Fleshworks to engage Morbidus. After you have defeated Morbidus, report to Darkrider Arly at Blackwatch.
Morbidus killed


You've done well in destroying the Fleshwerks and slaughtering the Lich King's servants. Now, all that remains is to defeat the Fleshwerks' greatest accomplishment -- the flesh giant known as Morbidus.

It will not be an easy fight, but the Shadow Vault has dispatched Margrave Dhakar with some reinforcements. Meet up with him at the highest point at the western end of the Fleshwerks. Tell him when you're ready to begin the attack and he'll order his forces into battle.


With the Lich King's flesh giant champion defeated, he must know that the rest of his forces are vulnerable as well. With you by our side, we will teach the Lich King the meaning of fear once more.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Icecrown

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