Orgrim's Hammer - Quêtes

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Orgrim's Hammer

Seek out Sky-Reaver Korm Blackscar aboard Orgrim's Hammer flying above Icecrown.


The Argent Crusade pulled my ravaged body from the Broken Front. What a glorious battle, <race>. My axe sang as it cut down Alliance filth and Scourge alike.

My time is over. It will be a good death. Carry a message for me, soldier.

Our base flies out of reach of Scourge - overhead between Mord'rethar and Aldur'thar. It is called "Orgrim's Hammer."

Fly high and avoid the Alliance juggernaut, Skybreaker. Tell Korm... tell him I died... fighting... For the Horde.


Damn the Scourge and damn the Alliance! Hork was one of our best. We will have our revenge. For Hellscream and for the Horde!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Crystalsong Forest

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