He's Gone to Pieces - Quêtes

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He's Gone to Pieces

Recover Olakin's Torso, Olakin's Legs, Olakin's Left Arm, and Olakin's Right Arm and bring them to Darkrider Arly at Blackwatch.


With the abduction of Crusader Olakin, the Argent Crusade's forces will have no commander in the final assault on the Fleshwerks. While one crusader is the same as any other to me, the argents won't see it that way.

I hate to see us waste time chasing after this, but I have no choice. Our gallant crusader has likely been dismembered by now, and his remains used to construct abominations. Go down into the Fleshwerks, kill the corpulent horrors fighting our forces, and recover Olakin's body parts.


Well, I suppose it's good that we've "recovered" the crusader, though I doubt his comrades had this in mind. Let's see what we can do to get him back on his feet so we can get this charade over with and complete our mission here.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Icecrown

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