The Air Stands Still - Quêtes

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The Air Stands Still

The Ebon Watcher at the Valley of Echoes in Icecrown wants you to kill Salranax the Flesh Render, Underking Talonox and High Priest Yath'amon.


You must defeat the lords of Scourgeholme if this place is to be free of the Scourge's grasp.

Salranax the Flesh Render lords over the temple on the first tier of Scourgeholme. Nearby Salranax you'll find High Priest Yath'amon preaching at the spirit tower on the second tier. Underking Talonox holds court at the Pit of Fiends, up the high road.

These are formidable opponents and must be approached with caution. Use this war horn should you require aid. The death knights of Acherus will come.


A hard fought victory, <name>! The lieutenants will be replaced, but at least for today the air about Scourgeholme stands still.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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